One of my younger brother is alcoholic and he has been worse since last two years. He has undergone detoxification and treated with all of sort psychotic drugs. Nothing stopped him and he continued to go down the same (destructive) path. He has also two kids, 7 year old boy and 5 years old Girl. He runs a business. We were out of our wits as he was the best brother and friend. I looked after children on Saturday to keep them of this situation.
To help my brother I contacted Sri Gayathri Ashram, had a full horoscope consultation of my brother with a Senior Pundit, and preformed all the recommended Homams and Poojas. Mantras ware given to us and we recited it perfectly, believed in it and followed it with pure heart.
Then it happened. One day, he stopped drinking for some reasons and he had never had a drink after it. He says that he cannot stand the smell of it now. Doctors did not believe him how he managed to do so. It all happened after one week of prayer. Prayers were heard. He is the best daddy in the world according to them. I too believe them. I am a witness to these miracles.
If anybody read this story and realize the power of Divine Poojas, then I would have done a service to God. Please feel free to publish this story but do not use my name as it is very a personal story. Peace to All.
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