Jupiter Transit 2017 – 2018 (Guru Peyarchi)
The actual time and date of Guru Peyarchi varies from Panjangam to Panjangam.
Guru Peyarchi / Gochar (Jupiter Transit) is happening on Saturday Sep 02, 2017 9:30 AM IST as per Vakya panchangam. Jupiter will move from Virgo Moon Sign (Kanni Rasi) to Libra Moon Sign (Thula Rashi) and stay there until Oct 4, 2018 10:33 PM IST
Guru Peyarchi / Gochar (Jupiter Transit) is happening on Monday Sep 11, 2017 at 4:08 PM IST as per Thiru Kanidha panchangam. Jupiter will move from Virgo Moon Sign (Kanni Rasi) to Libra Moon Sign (Thula Rashi) and stay there until Oct 11, 2018 4:49 AM IST
Guru Peyarchi / Gochar (Jupiter Transit) is happening on Tuesday Sep 12, 2017 6:50 AM IST as per Lahiri panchangam. Jupiter will move from Virgo Moon Sign (Kanni Rasi) to Libra Moon Sign (Thula Rashi) and stay there until Oct 11, 2018 7:19 PM IST
Guru Peyarchi / Gochar (Jupiter Transit) is happening on Monday Sep 11, 2017 7:00 PM IST as per Krishnamurti panchangam. Jupiter will move from Virgo Moon Sign (Kanni Rasi) to Libra Moon Sign (Thula Rashi) and stay there until Oct 11, 2018 7:39 AM IST
There would always be little time difference between various panchangam like Vakya panchangam, Thiru Kanidha Panchangam, Lahiri Panchangam, KP Panchangam. But I would always go with KP (Krishnamurthy) Panchangam for transit predictions.
The transit is considered to be very good for the business people who are engaged in various fields. Let’s try to understand about the impact of Jupiter transit Guru Peyarchi 2017 to 2018 Predictions. When is Guru Peyarchi (Jupiter transit) 2017 date? 11th September 2017 @ 07:00 PM (11.Septermber.2017 @ 19:00 IST) .
Note: These predictions are based on your Moon sign. To know your moon sign, click here: Moon Sign Calculator.
Mesham Rishabham Midhunam Katagam Simham Kanni Thulam Vrichigam Dhanur Makaram Kumbam Meenam
Guru bhagavan is moving from your runa roga sathru sthanam to kalathra sthanam on Sep 11, 2017 is a very good news for you. Since Saturn was also not placed well in the past one year, you would have gone through lot of problems affecting all major areas of your life. Mental stress would have gone up to test your extreme level. Now, all your sufferings will come to an end. You will start seeing good changes on your life. You will start coming out of physical ailments and gain more positive energies. You will do very well on your career and your financial problems will come down. The relationship with your family members are looking great for the next one year with the favorable Jupiter transit.
First Phase – Sep 11, 2017 to Oct 25, 2017 Recovery to begin (35 / 100)
Second Phase – Oct 25, 2017 to Mar 09, 2018 Very Good Time (75 / 100)
Third Phase – Mar 09, 2018 to Jul 10, 2018 Moderate Setback (50 / 100)
Fourth Phase – Jul 10, 2018 to Oct 11, 2018 Excellent Time (85 / 100)
Warnings / Pariharam
1. Visit temples and Avoid taking Non-Veg food on Saturdays
2. Visit Kuchanur in Theni District and / or Thirunallaru or any other Sani Sthalam.
3. Help older and handicapped people
4. Do charity as much as you can.
5. Meditation and Prayers as much as possible.
6. Pray lord Balaji to gain more financial success.
These are general predictions based on the transit of planets during the entire year. Specific accurate predictions depends upon the birth chart & time calculated as per the panchang. For an in depth analysis your horoscope has to be analysed in detailed with our senior vadic pundits. Fix an Appointment Here
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Guru Peyarchi (JUPITER TRANSIT) Sri Maha Yagna (Homa / Sacred Fire)
Jupiter is moving from your 5th house to 6th house on Sep 11, 2017. You would have done very well on your life in the last one year since Guru Bhagavan was on your poorva punya sthanam. There is no surprise if you have changed your job, promoted to next level, got married or blessed with child or made good progress on your investments.
Unfortunately Guru Bhagavan is taking its support away completely by moving onto your Runa Roga Sathru Sthanam on Sep 11, 2017. Besides Saturn is entering your 8th house of Asthama Sthanam. Rahu on your 3rd house can provide good support. Still the negative energies can be felt more with the current Jupiter transit and hence you will be placed under testing period for the next one year. You may experience problems on your health and finance. You may not feel good with both family and office politics. Make sure to take enough medical insurance, property insurance, auto insurance. Keep praying Lord Shiva to reduce to malefic effects and gain positive energies.
First Phase – Sep 11, 2017 to Oct 25, 2017 Health and Finance Problems (40 / 100)
Second Phase – Oct 25, 2017 to Mar 09, 2018 Rough Patch (25 / 100)
Third Phase – Mar 09, 2018 to Jul 10, 2018 Very good Recovery (60 / 100)
Fourth Phase – Jul 10, 2018 to Oct 11, 2018 Bad Time (20 / 100)
Warnings / Pariharam
1. Avoid taking Non-Veg food on Saturdays and Thursdays.
2. Visit Kuchanur in Theni District and / or Thirunallaru or any other Sani Sthalam.
3. Visit Alangudi temple or any other Guru Sthalam.
4. Help older people and students
5. Visit temples on Thursdays and Saturdays.
6. Do charity as much as you can.
7. Meditation and Prayers as much as possible.
8. Recite Sudharsana Maha Mantra .
These are general predictions based on the transit of planets during the entire year. Specific accurate predictions depends upon the birth chart & time calculated as per the panchang. For an in depth analysis your horoscope has to be analysed in detailed with our senior vadic pundits. Fix an Appointment Here
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Guru Peyarchi (JUPITER TRANSIT) Sri Maha Yagna (Homa / Sacred Fire)
Gemini (Midhunam)
The last one year would have given you mixed results! Even though you have face some problems on your career growth, it should not have been too bad since Saturn was in very good position. Now Jupiter is moving from your 4th house to 5th house indicating more fortunes ahead for the next one year.
Jupiter aspecting Janma rasi after a gap of 7 years can bring awesome news to you. You will settle down very well on your personal life and will develop good relationship with your family members. You will also achieve excellent growth on career and finance.
Even though you start Kandaka Sani that is Saturn transit onto your 7th house from Oct 25, 2017, the impact will be minor with presence of Jupiter on your 5th house. Your long term dream and wishes will come true with the current Jupiter transit!
First Phase – Sep 11, 2017 to Oct 25, 2017 Golden Period (90 / 100)
Second Phase – Oct 25, 2017 to Mar 09, 2018 Excellent Growth (70 / 100)
Third Phase – Mar 09, 2018 to Jul 10, 2018 Mixed Results (45 / 100)
Fourth Phase – Jul 10, 2018 to Oct 11, 2018 Excellent Growth and SUccess (85 / 100)
Warnings / Pariharam
1. Avoid non-veg food on Tuesdays and Saturdays!
2. Visit Shiva Temple or Durga Mandir on Tuesdays and Saturdays!
3. Visit Kuchanur in Theni District and / or Thirunallaru or any other Sani Sthalam which is closer to your city.
4. Visit Kalahsthi Temple near Tirupathi, if possible.
5. Pray lord Balaji to gain more financial success.
6. Do charity as much as you can. Help older and handicapped people if possible.
These are general predictions based on the transit of planets during the entire year. Specific accurate predictions depends upon the birth chart & time calculated as per the panchang. For an in depth analysis your horoscope has to be analysed in detailed with our senior vadic pundits. Fix an Appointment Here
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Guru Peyarchi (JUPITER TRANSIT) Sri Maha Yagna (Homa / Sacred Fire)
All major planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu were not in good position in the past one year! There is no surprise you would have gone through many personal problems and emotional turmoil on your life. Especially you might have got affected personally and psychologically with the array planets lined up in the last 12 months.
Now Jupiter coming out of miserable third house, is big positive news for you! Besides the next Saturn transit is looking excellent for you! Your time is looking superb going forward in the long run for about two years continuously With the current transit of Jupiter, you will see many positive changes on your life. Especially you will regain your energy levels. Your mental stress and anxiety level will go down to great extent! Even though Rahu is not placed well it is unlikely to affect you adversely.
You will do very well on your career and you will start coming out of your financial problems gradually. You have completed all your testing period and congratulations for graduating from the rough patch on your life! It is a time for you to smile and keep moving up in your life with great success!
First Phase – Sep 11, 2017 to Oct 25, 2017 Positive turnaround (50 / 100)
Second Phase – Oct 25, 2017 to April 17, 2018 Recovery to begin (75 / 100)
Third Phase – April 17, 2018 to Aug 06, 2018 Mixed Results (50 / 100)
Fourth Phase – Aug 06, 2018 to Oct 11, 2018 Excellent Time (85 / 100)
Warnings / Pariharam
1. Avoid taking Non-Veg food on Thursday and Saturdays.
2. Pray lord Balaji to gain more financial success.
3. Listen to hanuman chlalisa for faster healing.
4. Help poor students for educations and pool girls to get married.
5. Do charity as much as you can.
These are general predictions based on the transit of planets during the entire year. Specific accurate predictions depends upon the birth chart & time calculated as per the panchang. For an in depth analysis your horoscope has to be analysed in detailed with our senior vadic pundits. Fix an Appointment Here
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Guru Peyarchi (JUPITER TRANSIT) Sri Maha Yagna (Homa / Sacred Fire)
You would have gotten very good relief in the last one year with the strength of Guru Bhagavan on your 2nd house. Now Jupiter is moving onto your 3rd house which can create more obstacles and disappointments on your life. But Rahu and Ketu are placed well during the current Jupiter Transit.
Besides the next Saturn transit due by Oct 25, 2017 can give good results on your career. Overall you are expected to mixed results for the next over 12 months. Your physical health will improve a lot and medical expenses will go down. But there will be more personal and relationship problems that can create anxiety and tension. Finance is looking very much mixed but mostly on the downside with increasing commitments. Your personal life requires more attention for the next one year. You need to develop more soft skills and spend more time with your family members to maintain good relationship.
Since you will be out of Ardhastama Sani, there will not be any major impact to your career. You will do good on your career and income will also shoot up, which is good news. But it is not a good time for investments. Overall with the current Jupiter transit, you are expected to see mixed results.
First Phase – Sep 11, 2017 to Oct 25, 2017 Major Setback (20 / 100)
Second Phase – Oct 25, 2017 to Mar 09, 2018 Personal and Family Problems (35 / 100)
Third Phase – Mar 09, 2018 to Jul 10, 2018 Great Recovery (65 / 100)
Fourth Phase – Jul 10, 2018 to Oct 11, 2018 Mental Anxiety (30 / 100)
Warnings / Pariharam
1. Avoid taking Non-Veg food on Saturdays and Thursdays.
2. Visit Kuchanur in Theni District and / or Thirunallaru or any other Sani Sthalam.
3. Visit Alangudi temple or any other Guru Sthalam.
4. Recite Sudharsana Maha Mantra to get protection from enemies.
5. Help older people and students.
6. Visit temples on Thursdays and Saturdays.
7. Meditation and Prayers as much as possible.
These are general predictions based on the transit of planets during the entire year. Specific accurate predictions depends upon the birth chart & time calculated as per the panchang. For an in depth analysis your horoscope has to be analysed in detailed with our senior vadic pundits. Fix an Appointment Here
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Guru Peyarchi (JUPITER TRANSIT) Sri Maha Yagna (Homa / Sacred Fire)
Kudos for graduating successfully from Janma Guru! You might have suffered a lot with the malefic effects of Janma Guru in the past 12 months. Since Saturn was in good position, you would have managed to come out of the family and finance problems caused by Janma Guru.
With the transit of Jupiter onto your 2nd house, you are due to enjoy big fortunes for the next over 12 months. You will regain your sound health. You will solve the problems on close relationship. You will get good support from family. You will rock on your career with excellent growth and success.
You will come out of financial problems and will get surplus money on your account. You will have good fortunes on your investments as well. Rahu is transiting over your 11th house can amplify the fortunes on finance. If you are running favorable maha dasa, you can expect to win in lottery with the current Jupiter transit.
First Phase – Sep 11, 2017 to Oct 25, 2017 Money Shower(90 / 100)
Second Phase – Oct 25, 2017 to Mar 09, 2018 Good Fortunes (75 / 100)
Third Phase – Mar 09, 2018 to Jul 10, 2018 Major Setback (40 / 100)
Fourth Phase – Jul 10, 2018 to Oct 11, 2018 Good Time (80 / 100)
Warnings / Pariharam
1. Avoid non-veg food on Tuesdays and Saturdays!
2. Visit Shiva and Durga Mandir on Tuesdays and Saturdays!
3. Visit Kuchanur in Theni District and / or Thirunallaru or any other Sani Sthalam which is closer to your city.
4. Pray lord Balaji to gain more financial success.
5. Do charity as much as you can. Help older and handicapped people if possible.
These are general predictions based on the transit of planets during the entire year. Specific accurate predictions depends upon the birth chart & time calculated as per the panchang. For an in depth analysis your horoscope has to be analysed in detailed with our senior vadic pundits. Fix an Appointment Here
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Guru Peyarchi (JUPITER TRANSIT) Sri Maha Yagna (Homa / Sacred Fire)
Jupiter on your 12th house of Viraya sthanam in the last one year would have increased the expenses related to travel, subha karyas, etc. Now Jupiter is entering onto your first of Janma Sthanam. This is not the good news for you! You may experience problems on your health, family and finance in the next 12 months.
You are coming out of Sade Sani by Oct 25, 2017 that can provide good relief. Rahu on your 10th house and Ketu on your 4th house is not looking good. Hence you are due to experience mixed results for the next one year.
Saturn can provide positive results only in the long term. If you want to do any short-term projects to gain more success, then this you need to keep the ideas in the cold storage. If you are expecting any returns in the next 2 years or more year timeline, then you can move forward your ideas.
You need to avoid taking any major risks in the next 12 months. If you are conducting any subha karya functions, please check your natal chart for further support. The next one year can give both positive and negative results.
First Phase – Sep 11, 2017 to Oct 25, 2017 Money Loss (25 / 100)
Second Phase – Oct 25, 2017 to Mar 09, 2018 Start Long-Term Project (50 / 100)
Third Phase – Mar 09, 2018 to Jul 10, 2018 Good Time (75 / 100)
Fourth Phase – Jul 10, 2018 to Oct 11, 2018 Personal and Finance Problems (40 / 100)
Warnings / Pariharam
1. Avoid taking Non-Veg food on Thursdays.
2. Visit Alangudi temple or any other Guru Sthalam.
3. Recite Sudharsana Maha Mantra to get proection from enemies.
4. Pray lord Balaji to reduce your financial problems.
5. Help older people and students if you can!
6. Visit temples on Thursdays and Saturdays.
7. Do Meditation and Prayers as much as possible.
These are general predictions based on the transit of planets during the entire year. Specific accurate predictions depends upon the birth chart & time calculated as per the panchang. For an in depth analysis your horoscope has to be analysed in detailed with our senior vadic pundits. Fix an Appointment Here
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Guru Peyarchi (JUPITER TRANSIT) Sri Maha Yagna (Homa / Sacred Fire)
You would have achieved excellent relief and good success in the past few months with the strength of Jupiter on your 11th house. Now Jupiter will be moving onto your 12th house of Viraya sthanam. It indicates that you will have to spend more money for vacation, travel and buying luxury items, gold jewelries, etc.
You are coming out of Janma Sani by Oct 25, 2017 that can take out the mental anxiety and stress completely. Ketu on your 3rd house can provide good results for the next 12 months. But Rahu on your 9th house can complicate things unnecessarily and hence you will have hard time in solving simple problems.
It is a good time to conduct subha karya functions. But your expense will be much higher than your original estimate. You need to be more careful on spending and finance. You will experience growth on the slow pace during current Jupiter transit.
First Phase – Sep 11, 2017 to Oct 25, 2017 Testing Period (35 / 100)
Second Phase – Oct 25, 2017 to Mar 09, 2018 Significant Recovery (60 / 100)
Third Phase – Mar 09, 2018 to Jul 10, 2018 Mixed Results (50 / 100)
Fourth Phase – Jul 10, 2018 to Oct 11, 2018 Subha Karya Functions (65 / 100)
Warnings / Pariharam
1. Avoid taking Non-Veg food on Saturdays and Thursdays.
2. Visit Kuchanur in Theni District and / or Thirunallaru or any other Sani Sthalam.
3. Visit Alangudi temple or any other Guru Sthalam.
4. Recite Sudharsana Maha Mantra and pray Lord Balaji to reduce financial problems.
5. Help poor students for their education.
6. Visit temples on Thursdays and Saturdays.
7. Do Meditation and Prayers as much as possible.
These are general predictions based on the transit of planets during the entire year. Specific accurate predictions depends upon the birth chart & time calculated as per the panchang. For an in depth analysis your horoscope has to be analysed in detailed with our senior vadic pundits. Fix an Appointment Here
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Guru Peyarchi (JUPITER TRANSIT) Sri Maha Yagna (Homa / Sacred Fire)
Jupiter on your 10th house in the last one year would have created major setbacks on your career and finance. Besides the impact of sade sani would have been severe in the month of Jan, Feb and March 2017. Now Jupiter is moving onto your 11th house of Labha Sthanam. It can help you move forward on your career with good success and financial gains are most likely. Rahu on your 8th house can reduce the intensity of the problems compared
While Jupiter is in good position, the impact of Sade Sani (Ezharai Sani) is getting severe. Saturn will be moving onto your Janma Rasi on Oct 25, 2017. While Saturn is creating obstacles, Jupiter will help you to fix the problems. If you have got strong natal chart and running favorable maha dasa, then the next one year will give you excellent success on your career, finance and family. Otherwise the next one year can yield mixed results. But when things are about to go out of control, Guru Bhagavan will help to put things back to normal.
First Phase – Sep 11, 2017 to Oct 25, 2017 Good Results (70 / 100)
Second Phase – Oct 25, 2017 to Mar 09, 2018 Mixed Fortunes (50/100)
Third Phase – Mar 09, 2018 to Jul 10, 2018 Sudden Debacle (30 / 100)
Fourth Phase – Jul 10, 2018 to Oct 11, 2018 Amazing Recovery (75 / 100)
Warnings / Pariharam
1. Visit temples and Avoid taking Non-Veg food on Saturdays
2. Visit Kuchanur in Theni District and / or Thirunallaru or any other Sani Sthalam.
3. Listen to Hanuman Chalisa and Aditya Hridayam for good health.
4. Pray lord Balaji to gain more financial success.
5. Help older and handicapped people
These are general predictions based on the transit of planets during the entire year. Specific accurate predictions depends upon the birth chart & time calculated as per the panchang. For an in depth analysis your horoscope has to be analysed in detailed with our senior vadic pundits. Fix an Appointment Here
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Guru Peyarchi (JUPITER TRANSIT) Sri Maha Yagna (Homa / Sacred Fire)
You would have enjoyed big fortunes with Jupiter on your bhakya sthana in the past about 12 months. Since Saturn is also in good position, you would have achieved great success. There is no surprise if you went through any setback from Feb 2017 for about 4 months. But you would have regained your position and did enjoy good fortunes from May 26, 2017 to Sep 11, 2017 without any setback.
Jupiter moving onto your 10th house is not harmful. But it cannot provide any further support for your growth. Janma Ketu and Rahu can create setbacks in the current Jupiter transit. When Saturn moves onto your 12th house to start Sade Sani from Oct 25, 2017, can affect growth adversely.
Sade Sani is a longer in duration of about 7.5 years. It is too early to expect malefic results from Sade Sani (Ezharai Sani). The array of planets is not in good position. At the same time, it is not in extreme bad position to create any disaster on your life. Your time is looking good enough to carry the fortunes whatever you have got in life. But there will not be any further growth from the current level.
First Phase – Sep 11, 2017 to Oct 25, 2017 Good Fortunes (80 / 100)
Second Phase – Oct 25, 2017 to Mar 09, 2018 Sade Sani (45 / 100)
Third Phase – Mar 09, 2018 to Jul 10, 2018 Moderate Growth (65 / 100)
Fourth Phase – Jul 10, 2018 to Oct 11, 2018 Sudden Debacle (35 / 100)
Warnings / Pariharam
1. Avoid taking Non-Veg food on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
2. Visit Kuchanur in Theni District and / or Thirunallaru or any other Sani Sthalam.
3. Visit Alangudi temple or any other Guru Sthalam.
4. Help older people and students.
5. Recite Sudharsana Maha Mantra to get protection from enemies and get sound sleep.
These are general predictions based on the transit of planets during the entire year. Specific accurate predictions depends upon the birth chart & time calculated as per the panchang. For an in depth analysis your horoscope has to be analysed in detailed with our senior vadic pundits. Fix an Appointment Here
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Guru Peyarchi (JUPITER TRANSIT) Sri Maha Yagna (Homa / Sacred Fire)
Congratulations for graduating from Asthama Guru.
You would have gone through many painful incidents in the past one year. Since all major planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are not well placed, there is are no words to describe the pain you went through. Your emotional health would have got affected with malefic Jupiter in the past.
Congratulations for graduating from Asthama Guru.
You would have gone through many painful incidents in the past one year. Since all major planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are not well placed, there is are no words to describe the pain you went through. Your emotional health would have got affected with malefic Jupiter in the past.
First Phase – Sep 11, 2017 to Oct 25, 2017 Significant Recovery (70 / 100)
Second Phase – Oct 25, 2017 to Mar 09, 2018 Growth and Success (85 / 100)
Third Phase – Mar 09, 2018 to Jul 10, 2018 Mixed Results (50 / 100)
Fourth Phase – Jul 10, 2018 to Oct 11, 2018 Golden Period (90 / 100)
Warnings / Pariharam
1. No remedies are required during this Jupiter transit since all major planets are in good position.
2. Do charity as much as you can to accumulate good deeds!
3. Pray lord Balaji to gain more financial success.
4. Do Meditation and Prayers as much as possible.
These are general predictions based on the transit of planets during the entire year. Specific accurate predictions depends upon the birth chart & time calculated as per the panchang. For an in depth analysis your horoscope has to be analysed in detailed with our senior vadic pundits. Fix an Appointment Here
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Guru Peyarchi (JUPITER TRANSIT) Sri Maha Yagna (Homa / Sacred Fire)
You would have enjoyed good fortunes in the past with Jupiter on your 7th house. Saturn on 9th house and Rahu on 6th house would have supported your growth especially from May 2017. Jupiter is moving onto your 8th house on Sep 11, 2017. This can create more bitter experience for you. The next Saturn transit on 10th house can increase the intensity of the problems.
You are due to go through personal and family problems. If you are having weak natal chart, then it can create mental anguish and anxiety. Your career and finance will get affected. You need to be careful in keeping your reputation, especially if you are holding any positions in public or charity organization.
You need to stay patient and develop more tolerance to cross this rough patch of your life. Avoid taking any important decisions on personal life, career and finance. If you can stay at the same level without any growth, then it will be a great achievement with the current transit of Jupiter on your 8th house.
First Phase – Sep 11, 2017 to Oct 25, 2017 Moderate Setback (45 / 100)
Second Phase – Oct 25, 2017 to Mar 09, 2018 Testing Period (35 / 100)
Third Phase – Mar 09, 2018 to Jul 10, 2018 Significant Recovery (60 / 100)
Fourth Phase – Jul 10, 2018 to Oct 11, 2018 Bad Time (25 / 100)
Warnings / Pariharam
1. Avoid taking Non-Veg food on Saturdays and Thursdays.
2. Visit Kuchanur in Theni District and / or Thirunallaru or any other Sani Sthalam.
3. Visit Alangudi temple or any other Guru Sthalam.
4. Recite Sudharsana Maha Mantra to get protection from enemies.
5. Help older people and students.
6. Visit temples on Thursdays and Saturdays.
7. Do Meditation and Prayers as much as possible.
These are general predictions based on the transit of planets during the entire year. Specific accurate predictions depends upon the birth chart & time calculated as per the panchang. For an in depth analysis your horoscope has to be analysed in detailed with our senior vadic pundits. Fix an Appointment Here
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Guru Peyarchi (JUPITER TRANSIT) Sri Maha Yagna (Homa / Sacred Fire)
Now, we believe that after reading about Jupiter transit 2017, you will be able to prepare yourselves accordingly in 2017. Not only this, you there might have been predictions of grey times in your life during Jupiter in Libra 2017; by reading the Jupiter transit 2017, you will be able to overcome those problems, as well. So, this was all we had about you for this Jupiter?s transit in Libra in 2017. Stay tuned to Sri Gayathri Ashram Inc. for more such useful stuff. Wish you a safe life during Jupiter transit in Libra 2017.
Guru Peyarchi (JUPITER TRANSIT) Sri Maha Yagna (Homa / Sacred Fire)
Guru Peyarchi 2008 Guru Peyarchi 2009 Guru Peyarchi 2010 Guru Peyarchi 2011 Guru Peyarchi 2012 Guru Peyarchi 2013 Guru Peyarchi 2014 Guru Peyarchi 2015 Guru Peyarchi 2016