Nava (9) planets named as Ravi, Chandra, Kuja, Budha, Guru, Sukra, Sani, Rahu and Ketu are coinciding with different days and other astrological aspects of the week. This Navagraha yagnam will help the people to have a smooth life. The influence of each planet will fall on day to day movement of each planet facing good and bad situations. Performing yagna to the particular planet which is the bad position of the Planet. Due to wrong position of planets the people will fall into trouble and face bad situations. Performing this yagna to the specific planet will help people to overcome the troubles.
The star constellation in which moon is placed at the time of ones birth is called Janma Nakshatra. Performing a nakshatra shanti homam improves the all round effects and removes whatever doshas are present. This is performed by more than 4 pundits.
Customized Homam
The Homam to be performed depends on the type of problems & the individual’s Birth Chart, usually a Pundit is consulted for advice on the type of homams that are to be conducted. If you have any doubts please ask to our Pundits. A detailed analysis of your Horoscope chart, by our Pundits would suggest you the most suitable remedies or if to conduct special poojas for specific problems at specific temples, that would help you over come your problems and to obtain evident good results with the Power of Cosmic Energy.
How Can I Get This Homam Performed?
By analyzing your horoscope, our experienced Pundits can identify the reason for the problems and the ways to nullify the problems. Based on your Birth Chart and on the instructions given by our Pundit, selective Homams are performed by Our Experienced Priests. Our Priests has vast experience in the field of performing Homams & Poojas. They have sound knowledge on the various aspects of performing homams. The main aim of performing the Homams is to enrich positive energy of the ruling planets and to nullify the negative elements shown in the birth chart. It is also a form of remedial measure which has been followed from the ancient times. Homams and poojas performed for a particular deity by invoking Agni – the God of fire. It is said that when Lord Brahma (the creator among the Trinity) created man, he also created “Homam” for man’s livelihood and his attainment of spiritual desires.